pei Lian Ee 28th February 2024

I don't know where to start P I remember you as a man of not many words, but never an unkind word. And every time you did say something you intended to make me smile. And smiled I did. Because you are funny 😀 I remember your hugs. Tight short squeeze, but oh if only you knew how much comfort it brought. I remember our final uni years were spent living across from each other, on good ol Banff Road. When it was snowing, I would receive snowball or two on my window. And it would always be you. Or Weng. Lectures, clinics and birthdays are always less lonely, because we would always see you 'lurking around the corner' (so dodgy)- only you would know this is just a joke we shared. You're always immensely proud of your facial hair somehow, and enjoy the attention it brings (to you from me)- Hamas moment or not. You came to see me in Malaysia twice, and I am yet to return to England to see you. Why did you not wait? 🥹 The last time we spoke, you gave me a crying star when I said goodbye. If only I knew. But even if I did, would you stay a little longer? My heart grieves with your family and loved ones from afar. Rest in happy peace, other P. I will miss you and never forget you.